I have never been so frustrated by not being able to run. There is a whole new world right out my front door and I can’t get to it! I would walk and go on a photo safari, but I can’t even walk right now. Only people that are used to a lot of exercise understand what this does to you mentally. I know I can regain any physical losses, but at this moment the mental stress of not having my number one form of relief taken away is making me crazy! I need to run.
After moping around and being terribly depressed because I can’t run my race next week, I decided to hit the gym. Last week I tried the recumbent bike, one of my favorites for easy cross training days, but even with an episode of Battlestar Galactica to watch, it was just too boring and not hard enough. Then I tried the elliptical trainer. I can put enough weight on the foot for that, but I just couldn’t get my heart rate up enough and again, SO BORING! Yesterday, however, I tried spin class for the first time.
I consider myself to be in pretty good shape. My race times are respectable. I can run 10 miles at the drop of a hat and I can run a 3:45x400 a few times in a row, so I’m no slacker. I also knew going in that cycling uses different muscles, but figured I wouldn’t be totally humiliated. Yeh, right. Let’s just say my new goal is to be able to get through this one hour class without having to take an unscheduled break! Not being able to stay up on the pedals because I cannot yet support that much weight on my foot was a lovely excuse, but I doubt I could have done it anyway.
This is my magic ticket. My heart rate was high, I was sweating and puffing, and I realized this must be a regular part of my routine even when I am back up to full mileage. As runners we know we should cross train, that our quads need building and our core needs to be pumped, but how many of us really take the time to do it right. I think about it, once in a while I poke at it, but I have never really taken the time to build myself up so that I feel as competent working my quads or core as I do running a race. So now is the time. I plan to come out the other end of this injury stronger than when I got hurt. I plan to run a better race, set new PRs, and improve my form; all while taking a forced break from running.
Injuries can take us down for a while. They can mess with our heads, chip away at our VO2 Max, and undermine our training plans, we can either roll over and take the loses or we can use this time to build strength in other areas. I still have a race on the docket for October. That gives me lots of time to heal, if not a lot of time left to train. However, if I can keep my cardio up and build strength in areas that need shoring up, AND I don’t need surgery, I should still be able to finish with a respectable time. Or, wait for the next race, there is always another around the corner…
I know exactly how you feel as I'm in my 4th week of no running as I recover from a metatarsal stress fracture. Like you, I should have recognized the signs earlier and known better -- I've had a metatarsal stress fracture before! It's also the mental aspect of not running that is hardest, but I remained positive as I'm a triathlete. I found some swim/bike races with longer swims than I usually tackle and have been training hard for them. I've fallen in love with biking and I'm excited about the challenges my stress fracture has brought me. All that being said, I CAN'T WAIT to get back to running. Good luck with your healing.
I totally understand your frustrations, but you seem to be handling your injury with more positive thoughts than when I did with my hip injury! Yup, your comment "we can either roll over and take the loses or we can use this time to build strength in other areas" is right on the money!! Have you purchased the book, "Runner's World, Run Less, Run Faster" yet? You might find that the cycling interval sessions might give you the adrenaline rush you crave! I need to check out my own gym's spin class when I build up the courage (your strenuous experiment on spinning is scary!) I would also like to experiment with the book's rowing exercises too. A whole new sweating world awaits us!!
Yes, Bruce, I bought the book when you first used it to train for Boston. I really like the concepts, but when I first bought it I was so slow I wasn't even on the charts, LOL. I will have to look for a rowing machine too. I didn't see one, but I didn't search all that hard either. They did have stationary hand crank bikes, I didn't even know they existed!
I know exactly how you feel. SO sorry to hear this...but SO glad to hear you found spinning!! It's really great cardio (done right, which it sounds like you are!). I'm praying for no surgery...waiting for the update! :D
so sorry about your stress fracture and really admire you for your positivity - you will run the Great Wall of China Marathon!!
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